About us

Our Law Firm has been operating in Milan since 1975. It was established by Arcangelo Dal Borgo, who has now retired after 50 years at the bar.

The Firm continues to practice with Martino Nicola Dal Borgo at the helm, who has the rights of audience in proceedings before the Corte di Cassazione and before all the Higher Jurisdiction in Italy. He has taken over his father's professional legacy.

The Firm gives advice and legal assistance to companies and individuals in all fields of Civil, Commercial, Taxation and Criminal Laws, availing of the collaboration of Tax consultant Paola Jussi and Criminal Lawyer Mario Pietro Amigoni.

Since 2024, the Firm has been part of the GP Law network.

Lawyer News



Competenze non cognitive e trasversali nei percorsi di formazione

Il Ministero dell'istruzione e del merito



Pensioni, gli effetti della Legge di Bilancio 2025

Le indicazioni delle nuove disposizioni



La figura del Safeguarding Officer nello sport

Profili normativi, funzioni e responsabilità